Full Spectrum CBD Infused Brazilian Cerrado Coffee


Brazilian Cerrado coffee infused with 210mg of decarboxylated full-spectrum CBD oil


CBD Infused Ground Coffee

  • 210 grams Cerrado Speciality Ground Coffee
  • Infused with 210mg full spectrum CBD
  • 30 Servings/Cups
  • 7mg CBD per serving/cup

Brazilian Cerrado coffee infused with 210mg of decarboxylated full-spectrum CBD oil (0.0% THC)

A distinctive high-quality Brazilian coffee with intense sweet caramel and chocolate notes. Good body, well balanced with a creamy mouthfeel and relatively low acidity.

Brazil Cerrado Coffee Beans:

The highest grade of the famous Brazilian beans, lively and inviting with a smooth, sweet taste. Beans from the Cerrado region have cupped better than those from the Santos region. Cerrado is a huge region in Brazil, meaning “savanna”, or central plateau. Coffee grown in this region is cultivated at an altitude of 200-500 meters above sea level.

  • Single Origin
  • 100% Arabica
  • Grade 1 beans – speciality grade beans with no primary defects
  • A coffee cupping score of 84+ with 80 and above sitting in the SPECIALITY COFFEE classification – not far off 90 and above which is the PRESIDENTIAL AWARD classification!

These beans are then infused with our full spectrum decarboxylated CBD delivering 210mg of CBD per bag. It is only after the CBD fusion process is complete, do we grind the beans (slightly coarse grind, perfect for non-automated coffee plungers) for the ground version.

If you like it hot then put on the kettle and give your mind, body, soul and taste buds a real treat with both or tea and coffee.

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